Manage clauses
In this article
1 Add a clause
- Every clause must be added in the correct place in the document hierarchy.
- The document hierarchy can be seen in the Outline tab on the left-hand panel
- Buttons to create relevant clauses and subclauses are available under every applicable clause.
- Buttons to create + CLAUSE AT SAME LEVEL, and + SUBCLAUSE are available under any applicable clause.
- Terms and Definition clause
- Buttons to create + SUBCLAUSE and + TERM ENTRY are available under the Terms and Definition clause.
- Buttons to create + CLAUSE AT SAME LEVEL and + TERM ENTRY are available in the subclauses under Terms and Definition clause.
- Button to create + TERM ENTRY AT SAME LEVEL is available under a terminological entry.
- Annex
- Buttons to create + ANNEX AT SAME LEVEL and + SUBCLAUSE are available in the Annex section.
- Buttons to create + CLAUSE AT SAME LEVEL, and + SUBCLAUSE are available under the Annex subclauses
- It is also possible to create clauses and subclauses from the contextual menu of a clause in the Outline tab
Selection | Action | the same level | Will add a clause at the same level as the one you are in. Example: add a clause at the same level on clause 8 will add clause 9. | the level below | Will add a clause one level below the clause you are in. If there are existing children to the clause, the new clause will be added at the end. Example: add clause at the level below on clause 8 will add clause 8.1. |
Please note
It is not possible to
add clauses and subclauses in
- the Foreword,
- in the Normative references clause
- add a term clause at the same level as the main Terms and Definition clause.
- Terminological entries can be inserted from anywhere in the document. The Term entry will automatically be added under clause 3 Terms and Definitions.
2 Remove a clause
- To delete a clause, select the contextual menu (three dot "..." menu) of the clause or the contextual menu of the clause in the Outline and select Remove.
- Mandatory clauses such as Foreword and Normative References cannot be removed.
When trying to delete a clause or a subclause containing an unresolved comment, a warning message will appear as follows:
To proceed with the removal you have two options:
- Resolve comment
- Reposition comment in another clause.
3 Re-order clauses
- You can re-order clauses by dragging and dropping them in the Outline tab or by using the Move up, Move down, Move right, Move left options from the contextual menu of a clause.
4 Delete sections containing unsupported elements
Sections containing unsupported elements can be removed by right clicking on the section and clicking on Remove from the contextual menu: