Add formula

In this article

1 Add a numbered formula

2 Add an inline formula

3 Edit a formula

4 Add a note to a formula

5 Add key to a formula

There are two types of formulas that can be added:

  • Formal formulas: have a number and possibly a formula key
  • Inline formulas: are not numbered and don’t have a formula key.

1 Add a numbered formula

  • To add a formula, put your cursor to the location where the formula should be inserted and click on Formula from the INSERT tab.
  • A pop-up window with the equation editor will appear. Use the elements in the different tabs of the equation editor menu to enter your equation
  • Then click Save to insert it into your document.
  • To add a key to the equation, select Add Legend from the element menu of the equation.

2 Add an inline formula

  • To add a mathematical expression in the flow of the text, i.e. an inline formula, place your cursor where you want to insert the equation.
  • Go to the INSERT tab, click on Formula and Formula inline with text
  • In the the formula editor that pops up, type your formula and click the Save button to insert the formula inline with your text:

3 Edit a formula

  • You can edit your equation by right-clicking on it and selecting Edit Formula.
  • You can also use the drawing tool to design your equations with the mouse or a pencil pad:

4 Add a note to a formula

  • You can also add a note to a formula by clicking on the context menu at the top right of the formula section and selecting Add note:

Please note

  • The formula will be automatically incrementally numbered and inserted in the editor.

5 Add key to a formula

You can add a key to the formula by clicking on the context menu on the top right of the formula seaction and select Add key

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