Terms and definitions

In this article

1 Add a terminological entry

2 Create a quick term entry from within the text

3 Create a cross reference to a term entry

4 Modify term classifications

5 Add extra term, note, example, source

6 Term containing graphics

1 Add a terminological entry

A terminological entry can be added only to the clause  3 Terms and definitions. It can be added from the INSERT menu, while the cursor is placed anywhere in the document. It is automatically added to clause  3 Terms and definitions.

To add a terminological entry:

  • Under the clause 3 Terms and definitions or under a sub-clause in this section:
    • From the clause 3 Terms and definitions or from a sub-clause in this section, click on the button: + TERM ENTRY
    • OR
    • From the contextual menu of the clause  3 Terms and definitions or the contextual menu of a sub-clause in this section,  in the OUTLINE, select the option: create term entry by right clicking
  • In the same level as a previous terminological entry:
    • From a Terminological entry, click on the button: + TERM ENTRY AT SAME LEVEL
    • OR
    • From the the contextual menu of a terminological entry in the  OUTLINE, select the option: create term entry at same level by right clicking
  • On a sub-term level (level 3)
    • From a Terminological entry, click on the button: + SUB TERM ENTRY 
    • OR
    • From the Terminological entry menu (level 2) in the OUTLINE, select create sub-term entry
  • From the INSERT menu, click on Term entry. The terminological entry will be added automatically in the clause 3 Terms and definitions

2 Create a quick term entry from within the text

  • To create a term from within the text select any word in your document , click on INSERT menu, then click on Term entry.
  • This will automatically add the term to the Terms and definitions section clause and will automatically create a cross reference to the new term entry.

3 Create a cross reference to a term entry

  • To create a cross reference to an existing term in the Terms and definitions clause, select the word or sentence, click in the INSERT menu, click on Term entry and select Link to existing term entry within the list

4 Modify term classifications

  • By default, the first Term added in a terminological entry is classified as: Part of speech:  NOUN, Grammatical number: Not set , Normative authorization: PREFERRED, Term type: FULL FORM
  • Additional terms added in a terminological entry are classified by default as: Part of speech:  NOUN, Grammatical number: Not set, Normative authorization: PREFERRED, Term type: FULL FORM
  • In order to modify the classification of a term, and add other classification details, click on the pencil icon next to the term

5 Add extra term, note, example, source

  • An additional term can be added from the contextual menu of a terminological entry by selecting the option: Add term entry
  • It can be added from the TERMS tab (which appears only when the cursor is placed in a terminological entry), by clicking on Extra term
  • Similarly, one can add additional information to a term, like NotesExamples, and the term Source.

    Please Note

  • The following rules have been pre-built into the tool to facilitate authoring of terms and definitions:
    • There can be only one definition per terminological entry. This definition is required and cannot be removed.
    • There can be only one source per terminological entry. 
    • There is no limit to the number of additional terms, notes and examples per terminological entry.
    • Definitions, examples and sources will not be numbered or ordered (order of creation is kept).

6 Term containing graphics

To insert a graphic in a term entry


Select the figure you want then click on insert

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