Terms and definitions

In this article

1 Add a terminological entry

2 Create a quick term entry from within the text

3 Create a cross reference to a term entry

4 Modify term classifications

5 Add extra term, note, example, source

6 Term containing graphics

1 Add a terminological entry

A terminological entry can be added only to the clause 3 Terms and definitions. It can be added from the INSERT menu, while the cursor is placed anywhere in the document. It is automatically added to clause 3 Terms and definitions.

To add a terminological entry use one of these options:

  • Under the clause 3 Terms and definitions or under a sub-clause in this section:
    • From the clause 3 Terms and definitions, or from a sub-clause in this section, click on the button: + TERM ENTRY AT SAME LEVEL


    • From the contextual menu of the clause 3 Terms and definitions or the contextual menu of a sub-clause in this section, in the OUTLINE, select the option: "Create term entry at same level" after right clicking
  • In the same level as a previous terminological entry:
    • From a Terminological entry, click on the button: + TERM ENTRY AT SAME LEVEL


    • From the the contextual menu of a terminological entry in the OUTLINE, select the option: "Create term entry at same level" after right clicking
  • On a sub-term level (level 3)
    • From a Terminological entry, click on the button: + SUB-TERM ENTRY 


    • From the Terminological entry menu (level 2) in the OUTLINE, select "Create sub-term entry"
  • From the INSERT menu, select "Term entry". The terminological entry will be added automatically in the clause 3 Terms and definitions:
Demonstration of various options included in the list above
Differences in contextual menu on Terms in Outline (based on level)

2 Create a quick term entry from within the text

  • To create a term from within the text:
    • select any word in your document
    • access the INSERT menu
    • select "Term entry".
  • This will automatically add the term to the Terms and definitions section clause and will automatically create a cross reference to the new term entry.

3 Create a cross reference to a term entry

  • To create a cross reference to an existing term in the Terms and definitions clause:
    • select the word or sentence
    • access the INSERT menu
    • click on Term entry
    • select Link to existing term entry from the list:

4 Modify term classifications

  • By default, the first term added in a terminological entry is classified as:
    • Part of speech: Noun
    • Grammatical number: Not set
    • Normative authorization: Preferred
    • Term type: Full form
  • Additional terms added in a terminological entry are classified by default as: 
    • Part of speech: Noun
    • Grammatical number: Not set
    • Normative authorization: Preferred
    • Term type: Full form
  • In order to modify the classification of a term, and add other classification details, click on the pencil icon next to the term:

5 Add extra term, note, example, source

  • An additional term can be added from the contextual menu of a terminological entry by selecting the option: Add term entry
  • It can be added from the TERMS tab (which appears only when the cursor is placed in a terminological entry), by clicking on Extra term
  • Similarly, one can add additional information to a term, like NotesExamples, and the term Source.

    Please Note

  • The following rules have been pre-built into the tool to facilitate authoring of terms and definitions:
    • There can be only one definition per terminological entry. This definition is required and cannot be removed.
    • There can be only one source per terminological entry. 
    • There is no limit to the number of additional terms, notes and examples per terminological entry.
    • Definitions, examples and sources will not be numbered or ordered (order of creation is kept).

6 Term containing graphics

To insert a graphic in a term entry:

  • From INSERT
  • Select Graphics
  • Then Figure from options menu:

Select the figure you want then click on insert

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