Add annexes
In this article
1 Add annexes
Please note:
- Normative or informative annexes are created in the back matter of the document.
- All annexes need to be referred to at least once in the main body of the text.
- For an annex to be considered normative, it needs to be referred to in a requirement in the main body of the text.
To create an annex:
- Click on the contextual menu of the back matter of the document and select create annex group
- To create a new annex:
From the ANNEX GROUP section, click on the button + ANNEX and select Informative annex or Normative annex
- From the contextual menu of the Annex group in the Outline, select: Create informative annex or Create normative annex
- To create an annex at the same level as an existing annex:
From the annex, click on the button: + ANNEX AT SAME LEVEL and then select Informative annex or Normative annex
- From the contextual menu of the annex in the Outline, select: Create informative annex at the same level or Create normative annex at the same level
- To create a sub-clause under an annex:
From the annex, click on the button: + SUBCLAUSE
- From the contextual menu of the annex in the Outline, select: Create subclause
- From an annex subclause, it is possible to create subclauses at the same level or subclauses:
From the annex sub-clause, click on the button: + CLAUSE AT SAME LEVEL or + SUBCLAUSE
- From the contextual menu of the annex sub-clause in the Outline, select: Create Clause at the same level, Create Sub-Clause
2 Remove annexes
- Click on the contextual menu next to the annex you would like to delete and select Remove:
- Click on the contextual of the annex in the Outline and select Remove: