Track changes
Activate track changes
View track changes
Manage track changes
Activate track changes
- By default, track changes is turned off when you edit a document.
- Activate the track changes by ticking "show track changes balloons":
View track changes
- Changes are shown in bubbles and are listed at clause level.
- When clicking on a balloon, it will show in the document.
Manage track changes
- Rejecting a change will undo the change and restore the previous text.
- Accepting it will permanently change the text to the version created by the change.
- To accept or reject all changes at once, select "Accept/Reject all" on the top of the menu and choose one of the following options:
Selection |
Action |
Accept all changes in the focused document |
Accept all changes in the clause you are currently viewing |
Accept all changes in all documents |
Accept all changes in the entire publication |
Reject all changes in the focused document |
Reject all changes in the clause you are currently viewing |
Reject all changes in all documents |
Reject all changes in the entire publication |
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